Our family tree is 100 years old and you’re on it!

Welcome the to Almond Breeze family! You’re part of our family because you drink, make, bake and create using our almondlicious Almond Breeze almond milk, made from the best California almonds. Every drop of nutritious and delicious almond milk you enjoy connects you to a rich, proud history joining many hundreds of family growers together....

What’s so great about almonds? Here’s 5 things you didn’t know!

We love almonds! We really, really do, and you’d hope so by now!! We’ve been growing almonds in California, in Sacramento, Monterey and Los Angeles, where the Mediterranean climate perfectly suits this amazing seed (yes, they’re seeds, as you’ll discover below), and we’ve perfected our almond growing over many generations. Plus, Almond Breeze almond milk turned...